Sunday, April 23, 2023


Have you ever thought why some of us are really into gardening? And have you ever thought why gardening is so well-loved among elders?

I always thought I could never understand why but after reading A Journal Of Solitude last year, I think I finally could grasp the philosophy behind that. It's nothing new really but it was only better put in words and had me in a deep reflection for quite a long period (the reason why you are reading this now i guess) 

Gardening teaches us to slow down, to appreciate the beauty of nature, where we cannot rush the process, even if you want it, and I think that what makes the end result is always so satisfying (if it turns out well, the plants flourish, the flowers blossoming). 

And in this demanding era, whereas everything instant, fast, seems to be far more appreciated and preferable, the art of gardening will definitely help us to recenter our purpose of life, or at least will help us to reflect what truly give meanings to our life?  

I came across this quranic verse and it had reminded me of the very thought again. 

Surely, Allah is the one who splits the grain and the date-stone (for sprouting). He brings forth the living from the dead, and He is the One who brings forth the dead from the living. That is Allah! To where, then, are you being turned away (by your desires)? (6:95)


I saw how Tokde looked at Abang Ipin and it just broke me. The motherly look yang mixed with emotions yang aku selalu nampak, dari setiap pe...